la RazaBG大游集团的年度报告


Since 1969, we have been fervently working to protect and advance the rights of low income immigrants and Black/Latino communities living in the Bay Area, 通过双语BG大游代理, 教育和宣传工作. 我们的律师事务所承接具有挑战性的案件, 热情地为客户而战, 并确保每个人都感到被倾听和被代表.

今年也不例外. In this new era of living alongside a pandemic we have pushed ourselves to not just return to normalcy but to excel even with COVID constraints still in place. Our work has not slowed down but has instead amped up to meet the emerging and existing needs of our community.


Monique Berlanga,执行董事


We believe access to basic legal information and representation is the foundation of a fair and equitable justice system. Our 移民的权利 (IR) practice ensures that our clients are supported, heard, and fought for. 在一个家庭分离的社会里, 人们仅仅因为出生在哪个国家就被判入狱, and inhumane immigration policies prevent people fleeing incredible danger from seeking safety within our country, our IR team works hard to advocate for systematic change to fix a broken immigration system. 

我们认识到,单靠我们无法确保人人享有一个公正的世界. Guided by the needs and priorities of those who are directly impacted by our harsh immigration system, 我们与客户合作, 社区合作伙伴, 并倡导为他们配备必要的工具来带来变革. 我们一起通过倡导政策变革和更好的BG大游来改变轨迹. 在我们IR团队的帮助和支持下, 我们的四位客户在拘留期间为自己的权利辩护, 现在是免费的. 他们被称为自由战士,由伊万·奥利维亚·塞拉,埃德加·桑切斯, 恩里克·克里斯托瓦尔·梅内塞斯, and Carlos Munoz are now all continuing the fight against inhumane conditions and laws alongside Centro Legal. 

Workers' Rights

All-too-often, 我们所代表的工人们都经历过危险的工作环境, discrimination, 性骚扰, 雇主既没有支付最低工资,也没有支付任何工资. Centro Legal’s 工人的权利 (WR) team serves low-wage workers who are employed in industries with serious workplace violations. 除了提供必要的BG大游代理, WR provides workers and other community members with the tools to address workplace violations through legal education efforts fostered here at Centro. 

This year, WR helped a victim of labor trafficking obtain a substantial settlement for damages he suffered. Federico immigrated to the United States after he was promised a decent living wage and free rent by someone claiming to own a security guard agency. 从他到达美国的那一刻起,费德里科就被剥削了. 他的雇主强迫他每周工作80小时,工资低于最低工资标准, threatened him, 也不愿为他在工作中受伤提供医疗照顾. 雇主甚至把费德里科的护照藏了起来,不让他离开. He learned of his rights after coming to Centro Legal and bravely fought against the unlawful exploitation. WR的工作人员不知疲倦地工作,直到费德里科最终得到了正义.


At Centro we believe that barriers blocking equal access to the legal system don’t just need to be addressed but also reformed. This starts by providing quality legal education and professional development opportunities to the youngest members of our community. Every year Centro staff welcomes a new cohort of 青年BG大游学院 (YLA) students to inspire and get excited about the law and even though the program only lasts 3 years, Centro员工和学生之间的关系持续了一生. 

自2015年从YLA毕业以来,在过去的6年中, Brenda Quintanilla has received invaluable mentorship from staff that have helped her achieve her dreams of becoming an advocate for our community. Last year, Brenda felt overwhelmed during the law school application cycle and after not receiving any initial letters she was disappointed. 从YLA毕业后, professors and staff continued to provide her with guidance and support during this difficult and often complicated process. She persevered, continued to apply, and is now entering her 2nd year at UC Davis School of Law.


Centro Legal’s attorneys and staff are deeply committed to raising up the voices of members of our community, 这样他们的声音才会被听到,他们的权利才会得到保护. 这意味着即使在不利的情况下也要接受具有挑战性的案件. We make sure that the most vulnerable members of our community have access to the legal system and movement-based lawyering, 首先要提供好的建议.

今年早些时候, 除了我们出色的合作伙伴, our litigation team represented two of Centro Legal’s immigrant clients in a case argued in front of the highest court in the land, 美国最高法院. 在前几年, we had worked with our clients and co-counsel to secure bond hearings for hundreds of immigrant class members, through hard-fought legal wins and enforcement efforts throughout federal district courts and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. 然而最高法院不幸推翻了这些决定, we will have the opportunity to continue fighting for our clients and the class on their remaining legal claims. 最重要的是, 通过胜利和失败, Centro’s impact and reach shines through in our tireless efforts and fervent commitment to our clients and community. 我们有技能, expertise, 以及处理棘手案件的热情,继续我们的社区为正义而战.

Tenants' Rights

没有人应该在自己家里感到不安全. Unfortunately, many low-income East Bay residents are at risk of being evicted because of the unfair power dynamics set in place and upheld by landlords over their tenants. Centro Legal’s Tenants’ Rights (TR) practice works with local partners and city and county officials to fight for the rights of some of our most marginalized community members. Our TR team also arms clients with “Know Your Rights” knowledge to prepare them for situations in which they need to self-advocate.

今年早些时候 17 year old Sofia was facing eviction from her subsidized apartment in Contra Costa County. 在Centro Legal的帮助下,她得以和一名法定监护人呆在家里. 通过创造性和整体性的宣传, BG大游集团指导和协助索菲亚保护她的经济适用房.


Over the last two years our Tenants’ Rights practice has taken on a leadership role in advocating for policies that push for systematic change. In response to this crisis our attorney’s drafted what is now known as the country’s most robust Eviction Moratorium, 帮助满足我们社区的需求. 然而,我们并没有止步于此. 成功之后不久, we began working with Alameda County to make sure that rental assistance was distributed equitably and effectively to those who needed it most. 通过这个项目,我们管理了超过81名患者,891,向阿拉米达县遭受COVID-19相关困难的居民提供065美元的援助. 

“我不知道在这些关键时刻我会发生什么. 你的帮助给了我第二次机会. 我为你的计划祈祷,没想到你会来帮我. 在你慷慨的帮助下,我才得以支付到目前为止的房租. 我永远不会忘记你对我的关心.”



Annual Report
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